Saturday, June 13, 2009

Packed and Ready

We're off tomorrow morning, arriving in Phnom Penh close to midnight on Monday. Student travelers will begin their posts here after we get settled.

This photo is of Seng teaching s to write our names in Khmer.

1 comment:

  1. Message for Sage Hess from Debbie and Hassan Birch. I heard tonight from Grandma Lynn that you were in Cambodia!! Got your blog address and spooky to read you saw an EPICARTS performance. The girl who started that charity is called Katie Goad (MacCabe) and she is still in Kampot, has an amazing sounding cafe. I have sent her your blog address so she may get in touch with you - she is coming to England pretty soon and will be staying in Yorkshire with us, but is still there at the moment. Your Dad was in London, many years ago and came to visit me at Katie's Dads house, he might remember that visit. It would be great if you and Katie meet up. I hope something happens, and I look forward to hearing about it. Enjoy Cambodia, it sounds like an incredible place, we hope to get out there sometime.
    Stay safe!! love from Debz and Hassan (Tom) XX Small world eh???
